Plain text to-do lists for Mac
For rich text try out my new app: Bike Outliner: Outline writing tool, lists & notes
TaskPaper is finished software. It's polished, balanced, and updated to the latest version of macOS. I do not expect to add big new features. TaskPaper's source code is availible to license holders. Pull requests are welcome and may be included in future TaskPaper releases.
Make lists and get organized. TaskPaper is a plain text to-do list that’s surprisingly adept. Getting things done since 2006.
Text editor with outlining power. TaskPaper feels like a plain text editor, but it is backed by a powerful outliner.
Thoroughly modernized. TaskPaper 3 is all new, while retaining the original plain text foundation that’s worked since 2006.
“For the most part, the applications that are specifically designed for project organizing are way too complex, with too much horsepower to really be functional for 98 percent of what most people need to manage.”
David Allen, Getting Things Done